Friday, November 28, 2008

Great Photojournalism Work on FH Global Website

I just received news that one of my colleagues in Rwanda, along with a great team, has done some incredible photojournalism and video work all throughout Africa. I'd like to highlight some of their work in Rwanda and invite you to visit this incredible website, housed on the FH Global website.

Please read the story of Boniface, a child impacted by Food for the Hungry's work in his hometown of Kanyinya, Rwanda. Read Boniface's story at:

You can also read the incredible story of Bertin, a man who lost both of his legs during the genocide. The story, "Walking Again" tells the tale of how the small business initiatives of Food for the Hungry greatly impacted his life. Read Bertin's story at

You can also see a video chronicling Food for the Hungry's work with children in Rwanda. View the video at:

Please take the time to check out all of the wonderful photos, videos and information at FH Global's website at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome - don't forget to check out also for their travels in Rwanda.