Thursday, August 21, 2008

Where in the World is Karen Jacobsen?

Answer: Rome, Florence and Venice. Lest you think this support raising missionary is off on a globetrotting jaunt, I'm actually here on work! Since temping didn't pan out this summer due to the bad economy I had to seek out alternate forms of work. My job title now: Travel Nanny. I'm traveling with a family and their three young children in Italy. You can't beat seeing the Sistine Chapel for work!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Jersey's Children Need Help Too!

Today's post will veer off topic from Rwanda. Though it's not unrelated since it has to do with children in need. I had the opportunity to visit another church today and hear a great missionary speaker share about his upcoming ministry to Morocco. Afterwards I walked around Princeton and paid a visit to the Princeton Historical Society. On display is an exhibit entitled, "100 Waiting Children". It is a photo display of 100 older children who are legally freed for adoption in the state of New Jersey and desperately need a forever family. It is heartbreaking to read the stories of teenagers many of whom have spent the majority of their lives in foster care and have been in multiple homes. These are children who deserve families. They may not be as "cute and cuddly" as a baby or toddler but they are children who have the right to
parent(s) who will love them, support them and give them the security and affection they so desperately crave.

Those who know me well know that I'm pretty passionate about adoption. It has been a goal of mine since the age of eleven to adopt older children. I have always identified with the plight of children who are shuttled from foster home to foster home and never have a home and a family to call their own. I'd urge all of you who read this blog to check out 100 Waiting Children's website at I know many of my readers are incredible parents and singles who have the capability to provide a forever home for a needy child. Won't you check out these young people's remarkable pictures and see if you are as moved as I am by their stories?

I think I know what's in store for me after I return from Rwanda (whenever that is!)