Friday, December 12, 2008

Drink Coffee Do Good

Anyone who reads my newsletter on a regular basis knows about my passion for coffee. My newsletter is even entitled, "Coffee With Karen." I've encouraged my friends and supporters to pray for me and the country of Rwanda over their morning coffee. If you do drink a morning cup of Joe, there is a way to do good with each cup of coffee that you drink.

I'd like to introduce you to the Thousand Hills Coffee Company. This coffee company was started by a visionary pastor who wanted to do good in the country of Rwanda through Americans' daily routines. Thus, the Thousand Hills Coffee Company was born. Thousand Hills harvests coffee beans in Rwanda, providing Rwandan coffee growers with a livable wage and the means to support their families. The coffee is then exported, roasted and sold at Thousand Hill's Georgia location, at churches around the country and on their website.

I've excerpted the following from their website, "Every bag purchased provides a rural farmer with a proper Living Wage and the dignity and self respect that comes from providing for oneself. In 2004, Land of a Thousand Hills committed to paying at minimum of $1.26 per lb. to the grower for their finest coffee, more than three times the unjust 40 cents often paid by other coffee companies. Currently, the growers are consistently paid an average of $1.86 per lb.Land of a Thousand Hills also invests one dollar per 12 oz. bag sold to fund micro-finance programs that help Rwandans start small businesses. Approximately $3 total per 12 oz. bag is invested in the Rwandan economy. "Drink Coffee. Do Good."

Thousand Hills Coffee has several different options of delicious Rwandan coffee on their website as well as come incredibly yummy looking espresso chocolate bark that I think I'm going to have to order and try! I'm also going to order a sample package of four of their most popular coffees. Go ahead, invite yourself over for coffee at my place!

Check out Thousand Hills Coffee at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I may need to start drinking coffee!