Saturday, September 27, 2008

Great Websites

This past month I've stumbled upon some great websites that I'd like to share with you. Both of these sites help raise money for the needy in the developing world.

Changing the Present:

Changing the Present provides a way to give gifts that make a charitable contribution in the name of the recipient. For the person who has everything (isn't that all of us?) you can give a donation that will build a latrine in a needy community, teach a farmer more sustainable farming practices, close a sweatshop, purify water or rent a market stall for a fledgling entrepreneur. They even have a place for party favors, where for a dollar you can provide a clean pair of socks for a needy individual. What a great wedding or shower favors! I mean how many useless tchockes can you get? Check out this website, it's great!

The Bridesmaid Party:

The relatively new movie, "27 Dresses" has quickly become one of my favorites! Now while I don't have 27 Bridesmaid dresses, I do have a couple and will never wear them again. It really is a fallacy that you can "shorten them and wear them again." Most women in their 20's and 30's have at least one or two bridesmaids dresses that are taking up space in their closet.

I've found a great website, The Bridesmaid Party that recycles used bridesmaids dresses. When you mail in your gently used bridesmaid's dress to them (for a charitable deduction) they send the dresses to HopeCraft, Inc., and Rubia, non-profit organizations dedicated to promote self empowerment and financial security for the poverty stricken, abused women and children in both Lea Toto, Africa and Darra-i-Nur, Afghanistan. Donating your dress to The Bridesmaid Party will give these women the opportunity to reuse and transform your dress for a better use or product. The impact of your gift will empower these women towards financial freedom and a better way of life.

I plan on donating my bridesmaid's dresses to this great organization. I'd love to see them go to good use. Now just imagine if the woman on "27 Dresses" had donated all of her dresses to the Bridesmaid Party.....what good all of those dresses could have done!

Check it out at

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