Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Photos of My Life

My life is certainly never boring! The following are some highlights of the last five months, with photos to be added (when the internet cooperates!)

Visit out to Takwe - Being with CDP children in their homes and seeing them meet their US sponsors for the first time was priceless. It's amazing the bonds that can be formed through child sponsorship. I highly recommend it!

Sunday School Teacher Training in Gisanga/Mbuye

Being with the GPCC team in Gisanga/Mbuye was great! I was able to see the potential for a comprehensive Sunday school teacher training program in all CDP communities. I love to see excited Children's Ministry workers!

Alpha Training Course

The beginning of September saw my first trip outside of Rwanda to Bujumbura to take part in an Alpha training course. It was excellent to be with the body of Christ global and to see peoples' hearts to reach their friends and neighbors all over East Africa. I plan to use some of their principles of discussion and prayer in my trainings.

My "Funny T-Shirt" Birthday Party

I love throwing theme parties, so this year was no exception. I invited my friends here for an afternoon of fun and games and asked them to wear their funniest T-shirts from the market. We played crazy bowling with water bottles, pin the slogan on the t-shirt and Truth or Dare Jenga. Some of the gems of t-shirts from the party included:

Cranky but adorable so I'm worth it! (mine)

Hogs breath is better than no breath at all!

Be thankful I'm not your kid!

Talk, dark and Italian, what's not to love!


Rwanda has a very effective system of community service called Umuganda. Each last Saturday of the month, community members from each sector come and perform community service like digging drainage ditches or planting trees. Becky and I have taken part on several occasions and have really enjoyed it! Not only do I get to meet more of my neighbors, but at the end of the work time, we attend a community meeting. I learn so much about the concerns of our community and what is going on at the meetings. I really enjoy Umuganda and would love to see it introduced in the US.

Visiting Saturday Sunday School in Gikomero

I've had the privilege of getting to know the pastor of an Anglican church in Gikomero. Pastor Martin is so innovative and passionate and runs a great children's program in his community. I had the opportunity to go out and visit one Saturday and had the best time! The children dance when singing praises to God and are so enthusiastic and well behaved. (I think they could teach a thing or two to kids in America!)

Primary Teacher Training at Paroisse St. Andre

Another Saturday I had the opportunity to go and train primary teachers at a Catholic school just down the road in Gitarama. I was able to teach them many interactive games that they could put to use in their classrooms using supplies you can find easily like sticks, string and stones. We had a great time and I was excited to hear the teachers' plans of how they will use these games in their classroom.

Akagera National Park

In November, Becky and I had the opportunity to visit the game park in Rwanda. Though not as big as ones in Kenya or Uganda, it's still fabulous! We saw giraffes, water buffalo, hippos, gazelles, monkeys and baboons! The best part of it was traveling around the park in a broken down mini-bus while the rest of the tourist traveled around in beautiful 4X4 vehicles. It definitely made for a better story and proved that we weren't just tourists!

Art Club

In late October Becky also started Art Club at our house. Each Wednesday at 4pm, the children come and we do an art project together. It's a great way to practice Kinyarwanda as well as get to know the children better. I love getting to spend this time with them!


Since the children get to visit us now at least once a week, they've taken to inviting us over to their homes to meet their families. Becky and I have gotten to visit several of the children at home and it has been both an eye-opening and sweet experience. To see the way these children live on a daily basis is a reminder to me of how blessed I am. I am continually amazed at the fact that though these children don't have much their lives are filled with joy despite their lack of material possessions. I really enjoy getting to know the children and their families!

Audrey's First Birthday Party

My Kinyarwanda teacher's daughter just turned one at the end of October! Her parents threw a huge party for her and invited me. As the only Muzungu, it was a bit daunting to be surrounded by rapid fire Kinyarwanda, but it was great fun to get to meet Denise and Claude's friends and family and get insight into Rwandan celebrations.

My first Baby Naming

One of my co-workers recently had a baby and invited Christi and I to the baby naming. It's an intricate tradition where children eat certain foods and all the children and adults present give their suggestions for names. The parents then choose a name from the ones given or one they have already picked out. Names are a very big deal here and they will often tell you the meaning of the name they picked. I am so glad that I got to take part in such an important Rwandan tradition.

Sunday School Teacher Training in Gikomero

I thoroughly enjoyed doing my first teacher training in Gikomeron on November 14th! We had a great time together learning how to write lesson plans, teach Sunday school lessons and play creative and interactive review and memory verse games! I can't wait to share with other Sunday school teachers all around Rwanda how they can creatively share the love of God with children.


The biggest tourist attraction in Rwanda is the Silverback Mountain Gorillas. In November a group of girls and I hiked up to see them. After a two hour hike, we got to spend an hour with them. They are amazing animals. To see the children play and the mothers interact with the babies was priceless. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I won't soon forget, especially since it poured down rain on the way back and we slipped and slid through two inches of mud!

What's in a Name

I love writing Sunday school curriculum! I'm almost finished with the curriculum and I've really enjoyed writing each lesson. I can't wait to get it translated and into the hands of Rwandan Sunday school teachers!